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This is the Admin account.

You can follow me for updates about the technical side of this server.

For example, say the server stops working for a period of time, and then it starts working again. If you would like to know why this happened, you can find out in the posts here.
This entry was edited (2 years ago)

Release Annoucement!

Dates have been confirmed for the release phases of this service.

ALPHA | Nov 13 - Nov 25
- Consider Desk Apps Friends to be unstable
- Service may go down for periods of time
- Open to registration by technical background only.

BETA | Nov 26 - Nov 30
- The service should be stable with no major changes
- Registration open by personal invitation
- Help guides written and in review

PUBLIC | Dec 1
- The service is stable and listed in the fediverse
- Registrations open to anyone, with an admin approval step
- Help guides published for joining, using, and setting up Twitter syndication

- Desk Apps Nextcloud service with 5 GB of storage will be offered for free to accounts on Desk Apps Friends (with limited availability TBD)
This entry was edited (2 years ago)

Warning: Alpha Release!

This server is in an unstable, experimental phase.

Registrations are not open to everyone yet, and will be approved on the basis of *technical background* at this time, with the expectation that the database could be blown-away at any time during Alpha and Beta testing phases.

Aaron Huggins reshared this.