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gosh, always so excited by these #postmarketOS monthly blog posts. It's really amazing to see all the work going on, and especially nice to see so much preparatory and clean up work going on right now.

Feels like a really healthy project right now

This sunflower is NOT messing around. Only 7 weeks ago, this was a seed in the ground. Today it's 5 feet 4 inches tall! (~164cm for my European friends)

Man making a surprised expression behind a large sunflower plant with green foliage.
they grow up so fast.
A single yellow flower growing out of a house gutter.
@thrillcat What in the world!? How tall is that beauty?

Lawn is mowed, edged, weed whackered, weeded, and blowered. Considering my interest in even having a lawn is mostly to put space between me and the neighbors, I think that is more than sufficient upkeep for a while. 🚜

Brilliantly puckish!

New blog post about what we have done in 2024-05. This is absolutely amazing, thanks to everybody in this amazing community! :postmarketos:
Great blog, hope to be able to install pmOS with Phosh one day on my Samsung Galaxy A53 (currently unsupported)

tell him about the 'Y2K' hysteria.

...and what a nothing burger that turned out to be. He will learn to be wary of media hype.
obviously two thousand. How could it be anything else?

A vital addition to Pentecost vestments: the headband of fire

I saw this voltmeter at the electronics flea market. Look at that massive probe! It looks like you need to check your back blast before using it.
Apparently it's for REALLY high voltages? Like, 3kV?
A wooden and foam carrying case for a multimeter. The multimeter is on the left and looks unremarkable, but the probe is in a meter/3-foot carrying tube, with an even longer probe below it sans tube.
Probably much more, I have one that is for the lower two digit KV range and it is much shorter.

As a science fiction writer, I find it weird that some sf tropes - like space colonization - have become culture-war touchstones. You know, that whole "we were promised jetpacks" thing.


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:

A cartoon image of a jetpack-flying man waves hello at a gap-toothed, awed young boy. Beneath them in the corner, a sinister figure with huge, hypnotic-spiral eyes works the switches on an imposing control panel. On his desk is a copy of Amazing Stories with the same rocketeer. In the image background is a faded, halftoned image of the NYC 1964 World's Fair.
Lonny Avi Brooks and I did a whole issue of the International Journal of Communication on this a while back. We called those tropes "futuretypes" and a bunch of us wrote collaborative essays about their political and cultural significance.

Cory Doctorow reshared this.

A newer jetpack that looks more performant. (But like you said, too dangerous to let the every-men use this to commute.)

This is my general recommendation for the best acoustic #guitar for the price. They play and feel like an $800 guitar. The tone, neck, and overall quality is phenomenal. You can occasionally find deals on these around $300. The "folk" version is incredibly versatile, so it is worthy for unplugged campfires as well as playing live. It's a solid workhorse that won't have a problem keeping up with a Martin or Taylor and won't give you "glass mandolin syndrome".

Hmm, fascism on the march globally. I'm sure that's just a temporal coincidence.

No planning or collusion from international fascist pricks.
Marshall McLuhan was wrong... it's not a global village but a global serfdom.

What is your dream road trip? Where would you start? Where would you end up? What stops would you make along the way? It can be short or long, whatever interests you!
Dream trip would be taking off in an RV with my wife and never stopping. It's pretty obviously less about the trip itself and more about the lack of responsibility it implies.

Terrible idea: Christian programmer who comments their code with references to Bible verses which are applicable to the code's situation
…love this idea actually 😳

I mean if this is what it takes to make our country better okay I guess
Two shop signs for different shops, one says “America!” The other is “Lick”
Make America wet again!

Try the Rye or the Kaiser
Or the wheat or the white.
If you want you want, you can have an appetizer.
You might like our salami and the lover's alright.
And they'd really go well with the Rye
Or the Kaiser

What happens if a Pokemon kicks back the ball at a trainer? Can they wind up stuck in one of their own pokeballs?
I think they turn into a Pokémon.
@foone hmm. There are days I wish I could just Wobbuffet. Not a human care in the world, just silly blue critter

I don't know who she is but I'd guestimate she's about 40.
That Paul McCartney one is pretty bizarre. The supposed clues exist on the albums and songs. Almost as if the Beatles started it for fun.

New blog post! I take a look at the Yamaha MDP-10, a boombox that plays floppy disks, and my computer crashes while trying to play Sonic and Knuckles. Connection? You'll have to read it to find out
Yamaha MDP 10, a square boombox with a floppy disk drive and Japanese buttons

Content warning: selfie kind of

Content warning: selfie kind of

ton petit segment sur la nouvelle caledonie est vraiment pas terrible. Sans contexte on dirait que la France est équivalent à la Russie. Je suis un peu déçu désolé. J’apprécie vraiment ton contenu mais sur cecoup je ne suis vraiment pas fan
Bah euh c’est un peu le cas sur ce coup là. Désolé, mais un pays qui bloque un réseau social pour éviter que les gens s’organisent, c’est quand même bien totalitaire comme solution. On ne voit pas ça dans une démocratie, d’ordinaire.
Les assos de défense des droits (notamment la ligue des droits de l’homme) trouvent ça plutôt extrême , donc je n’invente rien sur ce coup. La France, c’est pas ce genre de blocage.
This entry was edited (24 hours ago)
alors 1) oui c’est vrai que c’est autoritaire comme décision mais faut pas oublier le contexte d’ingérence étrangère (même pb au us avec tiktok) et 2) les violences sont issues de minorités indépendantistes qui ont perdue plusieurs referendum donc on peut pas vraiment parler de mouvement populaire légitime mais de mouvement nuisible à la démocratie
@vaultboy Qu’on soit clair, aussi: je ne compare en rien la France à la Russie, je ne l’ai pas fait dans la vidéo. Je déteste TikTok, et je ne trouve pas que bruler et casser, ou tuer soit un moyen d’expression viable.

Mais la on touche à la liberté de s’organiser et de s’exprimer. Le blocage est fait au nom du terrorisme, ce qui n’est en rien ce qui se passe en Nouvelle Caledonie. C’est donc totalitaire, et indésirable.
en vrai tu aurais mis juste un peu de contexte j’aurais rien dit mais je comprends que c’est compliqué dans ton format. Pour moi ça simplifie trop la situation est c’est pas de la bonne information.
for firefox data collection feature, maybe it is far fetched, but I think that it is a sign Mozilla is getting away from privacy, at least with their browser
& for France, it just doesn't come as a surprise, for example try to open YT Aljazeera live without anything, no VPN, no Proxy, no nothing...
I do not live in the EU but that's what EU people who came to tunisia said, also, when in tunisia, browsing yt with a German VPN, Arabic news channels don't open

Safety tip for visiting the Netherlands: is the sidewalk more red than gray? You’re actually standing on a bike path. There’s usually a gray path parallel to it for walking. Bikes can come up very quickly and quietly.

If a road for cars is red all the way across, that means cars and bikes are expected to share it as equals. If you are driving a car, slow down on red pavement and pay extra attention for bikes.

Edit: if you have difficulty judging colors, note that the walking path will always be outermost, closest to houses and trees; next comes bike paths and then roads for cars are innermost
Photo of a red bike path and gray walk path side by sure, with labels
This entry was edited (11 hours ago)
this is also the case in some bigger german cities
It's a useful thing to remember for other countries as well, Berlin also has red bike lanes on sidewalk level.

Hey y'all! I'm looking for a pixel artist to help out on my game!

"Enigma Heart" is a retro-styled side-scrolling action RPG. There are no palette restrictions, although I would like to keep the visual style in roughly the SNES era. Tile size is 16x16; most characters are 1 tile x 2 tiles (16x32).

Some of the graphics have already been done by me and another artist, so a style similar to ours/ability to match it, is a must. Screenshots of the game (as it currently stands) are attached to this post.

Needed are graphics of the player character, some NPCs, monsters, and dungeon and town backdrops/tilesets.

Please reply to this post, or if you're more comfortable with a private mention, that's fine too.

Boosts are greatly appreciated!

#GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #Boost

Sir please you’re over capacity of cuteness you have to reduce it for your own safety
A gray tabby cat sits on Anna’s chest, he has an exceptionally content expression as he snoozes.
"my cuteness is no match for you silly humans"
the slightly arching, wispy eyebrow whiskers are doing so much here.

Downsides of open source software (OSS):

– Many factions—e.g. many Linux distributions & desktops. Because OSS attracts people that want to write their own software so that it exactly matches their needs(?)

– UIs seem often less polished. Because OSS has more programmers than UI designers(?)

Other than that: It’s ironic how much open source helps companies—especially small ones. IIRC, the first internet boom would not have been possible without open source projects such as Apache.
@assaf You sound like that’s something OSS should at least partially adopt(?)
by volume of users it already does because the majority of OSS comes from companies (eg iPhone/Mac both use Darwin)

by attention span it doesn't and it never will because of the principle"free as in free of any project manager involvement” and (like it or not) that's never going to change

“most striking about the tale of the Bell rocket belt is the shape of the deception that Moore and Bell pulled off” #jetpacks
“exactly what the #selfdriving car #robotaxi bros did over the past decade to convince us all that the human driver was already obsolete. The playbook was nearly identical”
“we have vested an alarming amount of power in the hands of #tech #billionaires by @pluralistic
#solutionism #DontBelieveTheHype #AI #artificialintelligence

Je viens de terminer Walkaway de @pluralistic
C’est magistral, éclatant d’humanité, j’ai adoré 😍

Crypto scam money launderers charged for laundering more than $73 million through Deltec

May 17, 2024
Crypto scam money launderers charged for laundering more than $73 million through Deltec
Two people were charged in California for laundering money obtained from cryptocurrency and fiat "pig butchering" scams. After receiving the money from the investment scammers, the launderers then allegedly helped to obfuscate at least $73 million in transactions by moving the money through Deltec Bank in The Bahamas and converting it into the Tether stablecoin.
Deltec is a well-known bank in the cryptocurrency world, mostly for its ties to Tether and to FTX. In July 2023, US authorities seized tens of millions from Deltec accounts in connection to a cryptocurrency money laundering investigation. It's not clear if that was the same investigation.
Just one bad apple. I'm sure it's not part of any greater pattern in the crypto space 😉

Good! What he said was not ok 😠
did he or did he not have a relationship with a man?

It's truly the stuff of nightmares! 😬
that's what art is all about!

That violates the ADA. They could get sued for that!


Inspired by this:
A warning sign with a red background at the top labeled "DANGER" in white text. Below this, on the left side, is a black silhouette of a person with a multicolored Microsoft logo, all inside a red circle with a diagonal line crossing through it, indicating "no" or "not allowed." To the right, in bold black text on a white background, it reads: "DO NOT CONNECT THIS MACHINE TO MICROSOFT ACCOUNT NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT ASKS."
This entry was edited (12 hours ago)

Scott Williams 🐧 reshared this.

when I see that from my coffee, I supplement with a nice, 2-liter coke. Watch the price, coke pointlessly and stupidly raised their prices, so I don’t blame you if you switch to Pepsi and smother it with lemon juice.
I find that there's a certain point of exhaustion I can get to we're having a warm tummy overrides all caffeine. At that point a hot coffee is quite capable of putting me right out, and the snore decibels maybe high enough to be painful.

shades is J. G. Ballard’s novel Concrete Island
This is now making me wonder how many store sign size dwellings we can put on an acre of land. Of course, if we were building them for people to live in that would mean they would need plumbing and electricity rather than a long extension cord to a single outlet.... But maybe we've been making this all way too complicated for a long long time!

Carmin Infantino inked by Dick Giordano?

browsing wikipedia and seeing of some ancient Chinese nobleman "his wife divorced him and became a Buddhist nun" and wow I wish I could sit down and listen to her rant about whatever happened there
can you imagine how much better our understanding of history would be?
@petrillic should be a legal requirement that every biography of a Great Man includes a chapter by his wife

Interesting #WebAssembly (Wasm) developments:

* Rust doesn’t do plugins well and often uses Wasm:
* You can write Visual Studio Code extensions in Wasm:
* Experiment: compiling Kotlin to Wasm Component, linking it with a component written in Rust, transpiling it to JS + Core Wasm using jco, and running the result in Node.js.
* Warg—package management for Wasm:
* Video:
This entry was edited (5 hours ago)

Two interesting #npm packages by @jawj:

xlsxtable: create Excel .xlsx files

littlezipper: use the CompressionStream API (supported by all recent browsers, Node and Deno) to create .zip files

More information on web streams:
#npm @jawj